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What is New in RaceMate 9.8

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RaceMate is upgraded to version 9.8 on 9 Mar 2009. Most of the new features are for the Hong Kong edition. If you are running the Macau edition at the moment, you may not be able to open some links at the moment because all links provided are linked to the Hong Kong Jockey club materials. Some of the features will be added into the Macau edition later.



Multimedia MCL Functions

A series of multimedia features have been added into RaceMate many years ago. However, such features can't be accessed by MCL and can't be added into a view.


The following list shows a handful of new Multimedia functions. Normally these new functions will only display a date (some with group or section numbers) in character format showing the time the event happens. Because this is a date in character format, they can't be used for date calculations. When you double-click on the date characters, the Jockey Club video will be played. If you want to display a string other than the date, you can pass a value to corresponding argument. Please click on the links below to see a detailed description about the syntax of the functions.

HrRaceReplay( ), JrRaceReplay( ), SrRaceReplay( )
HrBTVideo( ), JrBTVideo( ), SrBTVideo( )
HrPreRace( ), JrPreRace( ), SrPreRace( )
HrPostRace( ), JrPostRace( ), SrPostRace( )
HrRacingFocus( ), JrRacingFocus( ), SrRacingFocus( )


The following functions will be able to open the Race Running Positions Pictures.

HrPosPhoto( ), JrPosPhoto( ), SrPosPhoto( )



New Built-In Columns

In the new version, all the new multimedia functions are added into the built-in columns list. If you want to add any of them into your own view, you may simply choose the one appropriate.






Barrier Trial Functions

In the latest version of RaceMate we have added the following new functions to our MCL. All the following functions will return a string show the date and group of barrier trials. If you don't pass any argument, the function will return the latest barrier trial before the race. You may pass a number into the function to get earlier trials. Please note that both HrBTrial() and HrBTrial(1) returns the same value. Double-clicking on the date and group number of the column will open the corresponding barrier trial form.


HrBTrial( ), JrBTrial( ), SrBTrial( )



Chaining to Barrier Trial Form

In prior versions of RaceMate, we can only chain to forms for Race, Horse, Jockey, Stable, Day and Query. Now you will have one more choice: Barrier Trial form.






Use [Alt] to Open Related Forms

When you double-click on the multimedia function columns in a view, the corresponding video will be played. If you want to open the related forms side by side, you may hold down the [Alt] key and double-click on the column once again.


Video/Photo Double-Click to Open

Form Opened by [Alt] Double-Click

HrRaceReplay( )

Race Replay Video

Race Data Form

HrBTVideo( )

Barrier Trial Video

Barrier Trial Form

HrPreRace( )

Race to Win Video

Race Data Form

HrPostRace( )

Post Race Video (Chinese)

Race Data Form

HrRacingFocus( )

Racing Strategy Video (Chinese)

Race Calendar Form

HrPosPhoto( )

Race Running Photos

Race Data Form



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