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MCL Reference

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Model Construction Language (MCL) is a programming language that comes with RaceMate for retrieving information from the database of RaceMate.


Most MCL functions come in three versions:

1.The Horse Record version (function names begin with Hr), which retrieves data or perform statistics in past records of horses
2.The Jockey Record version (function names begin with Jr), which retrieves data or perform statistics in past records of jockeys
3.The Stable Record version (function names begin with Sr), which retrieves data or perform statistics in past records of stables


For example, the following functions return the finishing position of a horse, a jockey, and a stable in last 1650m races respectively: (Please note that the last 1650m race of a jockey and the last 1650m race of a horse may be 2 different races.)


HrFP(1,,'HrDistance( )=1650')

JrFP(1,,'HrDistance( )=1650')

SrFP(1,,'HrDistance( )=1650')


If we are going to retrieve data of the underlying race, i.e., the race displaying on the screen currently, basically, there is no difference among the three versions. That is, the following functions are exchangeable:

HrFP( ), JrFP( ), SrFP( )   or

HrFP(0), JrFP(0), SrFP(0)


Similarly the following 2 functions will return identical data: (The functions retrieve the finishing position of a horse in its last 1650m start.)

HrFP(1,,'HrDistance( )=1650')

HrFP(1,,'JrDistance( )=1650')



>>> Subtopics of this section <<<


Arguments and Variables of MCL functions
Null Values
Information about a Start
Static information of Horse, Jockey, and Stable
Track Work Information
Race and Meeting Information
Data Collection Assistant Functions
Statistics on Past Records
Statistics in a Race
Arithmetic Functions
String Functions
List Functions
Conversion Functions
Multimedia & Internet Functions
Miscellaneous Functions
VFP Functions & Operators



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