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HrMaximum( ), JrMaximum( ), SrMaxmum( )

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The functions return the maximum of a racing datum in the past records.











Datum the maximum of which is to be found.
Data type of expression: Any

'HrDvdWin( )'


Number of latest races, counting back from the underlying race, to be averaged. The races must be meeting the condition specified by 'fCondition'.
If nRaces is omitted, all races meeting 'fCondition' will be included.
If total number of races meeting 'fCondition' is smaller than nRaces, the function will perform calculations on only the available races. You may use the HrCount( ) function to check how many races have been counted.



If argument 'fCondition' is passed, the races (nRaces) will only be selected from those meeting 'fCondition'. The 'fCondition' argument is composed of a For clause and a While clause.
A For clause causes the function to act on each record that meets the specified logical condition.
A While clause causes the function to stop action once the logical expression evaluates to false.
Both For and While clauses are optional.

'For HrFP( )=1 While

HrDate( )>Date(1999,9,1)'


Default value returned when no race satisfying the specified condition can be found. The data type of this value must be identical to that of normal return value.


When applying the function to past records, by default, races in the underlying meeting are not included. You may use this argument to change the scope. See the following page for details: The cIncluding Argument.




Data type identical to the expression passed into the first argument.



HrMaximum('HrWeight( )',3)

The above example returns the maximum loading of the horse in last 3 starts.


HrMaximum('HrWeight( )',4,'For HrDistance( )=1400')

The above example returns the maximum loading of the horse in last 4 1400m races.


HrMaximum('HrWeight( )',,'For HrDistance( )=1400 and HrAveRating( )>100',101)

The above example returns the maximum loading of the horse in all races meeting the following conditions:

1.1400m race
2.Average rating of the race is greater than 100


If no races satisfying the above conditions can be found 101 will be returned.



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